A year after rescuing Catherine Martin from the horror of Buffalo Bill’s basement, FBI Agent Clarice Starling gets an urgent assignment from Catherine’s mother, Attorney General Ruth Martin, to join the Violent Criminal Apprehension Program (VICAP) in the investigation of three serial killings.
Clarice Starling and the VICAP team are deployed to Tennessee where the FBI is laying siege against a fringe militia group called “The Statesmen,”
View More InfoIn order to prove to Krendler and the VICAP team that she is fit for duty, Clarice must find the psychological key that will unlock a confession from the suspect in the three river murders.
View More InfoFollowing the assassination of a suspect, Clarice and VICAP are investigated by Krendler’s rival at the Bureau, SA Anthony Herman. When Ardelia is recruited to assist him, it causes friction between the two friends.
View More InfoClarice is drugged and confined to a hospital bed by a serial killer in the medical profession, causing her to experience intense hallucinations.
View More InfoSidelined because of her harrowing ordeal with Marilyn Felker, Clarice goes to Ruth Martin to be reinstated and gets roped into having dinner at the Martin residence.
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